We, men and women of Light and Life, will help bring light and life to our society – we will utilize the existing framework of the principal Culture of Life Service Organization in the United States, Knights of Columbus (“KofC”), and raise awareness, and raise fun and funds, from within the Church, and throughout society for Original Equipment Manufactured (“OEM”) “Turn-key” Mobile Ultrasound Facilities to each qualified Pregnancy Resource Center (“PRC”), as many as possible up to 490 (70x7), as quickly as possible over the next seven years, throughout the United States.
In 2012 and 2013, Knights of Columbus (“KofC”) councils from San Diego helped raise funds necessary to supply, in 2013, the first and second San Diego-area OEM mobile ultrasound facilities: (Opus 1) to Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center (“TPPRC”) and (Opus 2) to Pregnancy Resource Center of Vista. The goal is to deliver each unit within nine (9) months of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday in January, by Respect Life Sunday in October.
The San Diego program is to be a model, or “template,” for Knights of Columbus chapters in 70 cities, each constituted of (a minimum of) seven KofC districts, each district comprised of two or more councils, host parishes, with a goal to supply their city and/or surrounding area their first OEM mobile ultrasound facility, and to promote, and assure, a total of seven mobile facilities over the next seven (7) years.
Light and Life has created a 70X7 “Support” Committee to assist other districts-councils-parishes-PRC’s throughout San Diego and the United States in their initial and, as needed and to the extent possible, each succeeding annual campaign in each of 70 cities through 2019.
Light and Life Defining Purpose, Value and Motto
We embrace Mobile Ultrasound for its essential reality – it is, indeed, a God-given instrument of Light and Life – which reveals the truth of the humanity of the unborn child, yet in his or her mother’s womb, and empowers the mother and father, themselves, to stand up for life, whatever their circumstances, and to travel the road of light and life, of truth and salvation.
Ultrasound is an instrumentality which transforms sound into images, light which “pierces the darkness,” illuminating the life of the unborn baby in the mother’s womb, transforming the perceptions of an abortion-minded mother or father through a light of life – the image of their son or daughter.
We anchor the Light and Life, 70X7 Movement in words from John’s Gospel: “The light shines on in the darkness, a darkness that did not overcome it” (1:5). Jesus spoke very clearly: ”I am the light of the world. No follower of mine shall ever walk in darkness; no, he shall possess the light of life” (8:12)